‘If you know you know…’

Narges Mohammad, Zeinab El Bouni, Teen Curators of de Appel

New-West has become a little more beautiful with the artwork ‘If you know you know…’ by Narges Mohammad, in collaboration with poet Zeinab El Bouni and the Teen Curators of de Appel. Transformed into an aluminum facade artwork along with the poem 5713, this impressive hand-drawn tapestry captures the memories and experiences of young people from the neighborhood. It tells stories of growing up in New West, a tribute to their school days and the neighborhood in which they were formed.

The work celebrates the power of community and the beauty of the everyday, brought to life by young curators. A ten-month creative journey of discovery and inspiration led to this contribution to Amsterdam’s public space.

📸 Ka-Tjun Hau

Every week, het stadscuratorium posts a Sunday Sculpture on Instagram, the story behind an artwork in public space that gives colour to the city of Amsterdam.