White Noise

Ginny Vos

If you’d like to catch a glimpse of the cosmos: the light artwork ‘White Noise’ by Ginny Vos glitters on the highest point on the Zuidas: the communications tower of Cellnex.

The display of lights has been up since 2009. It shows stars and planets along which meteorites and small explosions rush through, interspersed with codes of letters and digits that serve as a sign of human communications.

“Public space is my canvas and I paint with the light,” says Vos. During the process of making ‘White Noise’ she immersed herself in astronomy and cosmology, so that she could wrap her own piece of cosos around the tower.

Photographer: Gert Jan van Rooij

This artwork is part of the series of Sunday Sculptures that Stadscuratorium Amsterdam posts on Instagram every Sunday.