
Harmen Liemburg

Analogous to all Amsterdam residents, day trippers, commuters and tourists that make use of the Noord/Zuid metro line, artist Harmen Liemburg made a connection to a different type of traveler: birds.

Visible on the platform floor of metro stop Noord is a 130 meters long encyclopedia of birds. On the north side of the platform a couple of geese arrive, in the middle there are mostly birds that stay in The Netherlands throughout the year, and on the south side nest birds that fly southwards once winter settles in. A walk alongside the platform becomes a surprising voyage of discovery; apart from birds you can find numerous other symbols and references. Harmen Liemburg is a cartographer besides his graphic design practice.

The enormous floor drawing is drawn with white lines on an anthracite background. The white parts in the floor tiles are inlaid by hand in the empty spaces of the dark grey tiles.